Canterbury Area
Clippings Canterbury 2020
Inspired By The Arts – Clippings Canterbury
(A weekend exploring inspirations for our floral art work.)
“After Lockdown …” became a bit of a mantra in the middle of last year, when we didn’t know how long restrictions would last. In Canterbury – after Lockdown – several members of the Clippings group got together to plan a floral weekend in Ashburton in September. They opened it up to non-Clippings floral members for any spaces left available and, due to this, I was lucky enough to be able to attend.
Where club nights provide great instruction on a particular technique or style this weekend was geared more towards an interpretation of a theme or artist.
Thursday evening saw us watching demonstrations by five Clippings designers who talked of the inspiration they got from different artists or art themes. The workshop on the Friday morning involved members’ own interpretation of using triangles in our design work, and in the afternoon there was a workshop on incorporating glass into a design.
This interpretative style, plus more time than we have at club nights, produced a dazzling array of designs from everyone. It was great to see what others had come up with, as well as getting support from the tutors Shirley Russ and Liz Chapman and helpers.
We were provided with a lovely lunch from the South Canterbury club members, and the dinner out in the evening allowed for informal interaction which was great for sharing ideas and discussing issues between clubs and the floral art community as a whole.
On the last morning we had a guided tour through Ashburton’s Art Museum and then coffee before everyone headed away and back to our usual lives. All this was made possible by the time and energy of the Clippings members who organised the weekend. Many thanks to them all – we should never take for granted the amount of work that is involved behind the scenes for weekends such as these.
Canterbury Area
June Workshop
On Saturday 15th June FASNZ Canterbury Area members were offered a workshop from their Education committee called
"Upsize, Upscale in our Rugby Colours" - either red and black or blue and yellow.
It was an all day workshop where participants made their own designs in one of the two 'rugby colours' in a larger size. Then after lunch all participants were split into the two colour groups and with assistance from four experienced tutors - Shirley Russ, Jenny Harris, Heather Sibley and Patricia Proctor all of the individual designs were joined together into a large scale installation.
"This was a challenge for many of us but a good challenge and a fun day as we don't get the time at club nights to work BIG...."
Canterbury Area
DOY 2018
Canterbury Area's 'Designer Of The Year- 2018' was held in conjunction with The Rose Societies annual rose show. Nancy Murphy (FASNZ vice president) judged the event.
The 5 classes and winners were -
Designer of Year - "The Power of Art"
*1st - Carol Rains (Avon club)
*2nd - Musu Aiono (Avon club)
*3rd - Lois Damen (Avon club)
Class 2 - "Jewel Purpose" (open)
*1st - Lien Wong-Tan (Avon club)
*2nd - Shelley Welsh (Nth Canterbury club)
*3rd - Sonia Yates (Avon club)
Class 3 - "It's a Small World" (open)
*1st - Sharon MacDonald (Nth Canterbury club)
*2nd - Barbara Stratford (Springston club)
*3rd - Megan Walsh (Nth Canterbury /Riccarton)
Class 4 - "Magic of Colour" (emerging designers only)
*1st - Margaret Horrell (Cheviot club)
*2nd - Liz MacLeod (Avon club)
*3rd - Shelley Welsh (Nth Canterbury club)
Class 5 - "Vibrancy" (clubs).
*1st - Avon + colour award
*2nd - Nth Canterbury
*3rd equal - Springston and Cheviot