Articles & Step By Step Tutorials

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Kinetic Designing

Styles Tutorials

by Fay Edgecombe

‘Flair’ Definition - Designs in which movement or the illusion of movement is dominant.

There are some styles of design that are more fascinating than others and maybe a Kinetic design is one of those, especially if an Op artist is the inspiration?

What does Kinetic mean?
It means pertaining to movement, coming from the Greek word kinetikos and is an art form also called Op or Optical Art.

Bridget Riley an English artist is the master of optical effects and is internationally renowned for her abstract paintings.

Len Lye is New Zealand’s own renowned kinetic artist/sculptor.

Alexander Calder was an American kinetic sculptor who in his day created some amazing mobiles.

Anthony Howe is a modern day American kinetic sculptor with some mesmerising and hypnotising pieces. You can see some of Anthony’s pieces on his YouTube channel.

Anthony Howe Spring Sculpture Field 2021 is a mesmerizing display of Anthony’s pieces performing in all their glory. Seeing these sculptures moving in real life, gives a whole new dimension to a Kinetic sculpture.The photo on the right is only a tiny glimpse.

Many colours can be used in a painting, but more illusion and a better effect is gained by using only black and white. This is because of the extreme contrast. It is easy to become mesmerised by the hypnotic regularity of patterns.

From the Dublin WAFA Show. Part section a design show, showing kinetic pattern.

To be considered a kinetic floral design, the eye needs to be pulled around the design or move through it with the use of optical illusion.
When floral designing the movement is generally more gentle than in a painting because plant material is being added to make it three-dimensional. However, with kinetic designing it is important to avoid slowing down the eye movement.

Many styles of design can be kinetic where the illusion of movement is dominant. For example, Abstract, Pavé, Sculpture, Mobile, Stamobile, Stabile, are just a few.

In Floral Art we can use the artists named below as inspiration for our floral designing...

Kinetic Sculpture by
Stef Adriaenssens

Kinetic Stabile by
Penny Le Quesne

By Glen Adams

Mobile by
Wendy Parsons

By Neels Scott

By Linda Barnett

By Annette Jennings

By Lynne Causer

Pavé by Glennis Bealing

By Rae Baxter and Rhonda Hall



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