Articles & Step By Step Tutorials

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PATTERN an Element of Design

Styles Tutorials

Flair: An overall interplay of repeated or corresponding parts.

An Element of Design it is the Repetition of: LINES; FORMS; TEXTURES; COLOUR.

Repetition is the key. Pattern in design is the repeated combination of the Elements, the building blocks of line, form, texture and colour.
The Design Elements and Principles need each other for creating the Art Objectives of Beauty, Expression and Harmony.

Yukimi Brown

Design by Yukimi Brown

Sand patterns IMG_4169

Nature’s elements of earth, rain, wind and fire create patterns which are visible repetitions of line, form, texture and colour. For example, ridges on the sand.

Plant material such as foliage, flowers and the bark of trees, which show veins, stripes, spots and variegation can also be used to form patterns by repeating them within the design. Patterns can be created by manipulating plant material.

Aloe polyphylla

Aloe polyphylia

Flax wall hanging

Wall Hanging by Maureen Harte

Allison Ingram

Design by Allison Ingram

Techniques: There are many techniques which can be used to create patterns. These can be pinning, folding, knotting, layering, piling, plaiting, stacking, threading and weaving.

Structures: Many similar objects can be used to make a structure with a pattern. Grids are a good example.

Design by Barb Higgins

Design by Barb Higgins



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